What is IOT? Use of IOT? Application of IOT? What are Internet of Things?

What is IOT? Use of IOT? Application of IOT? What are Internet of Things?

Hello friends, welcome to Guru Being Technologies, today we will tell you that if you also want to get information about How IOT Works In Hindi, then you are reading the right post, through this post we will give you complete information about it.
All those devices that communicate with each other while connected to the Internet, they all fall under this. IOT the smart device that sends data to each other, this is a very good technology, today we are going to tell you about this technology, we hope that you will get the answers to all your questions in our post today.
Today we are going to give you such important information about Internet Of Things In Hindi in this post, which most people will not know about, if you want to get complete information about it, then we will give you complete information about it, just its Please read our post from beginning to end.
Every device that is connected to the Internet, they all fall under the category of Internet of Things, in which your Smart Phone, Smart Car, Smart Home etc. come if you want to know more about IoT then we will give you Internet of Things Will give full information about what is there.

What is IOT?

These devices used in your daily life can be your Smart Phone, Coffee Makers, Washing Machine, Headphones, and Wearable Device and much more. If we understand it in simple language, IoT is such a concept in which things (Things ) Communicate with each other or with another device The term was first used by Kevin Ashton.

All the smart devices connected with IOT Help send data to each other and can receive data from each other, in which you can link your device or device with internet and make other devices work according to your needs.

How Does IOT Work?

If a person wants to have AC turned on before reaching home and his room gets cold by the time he reaches home, then it is possible that with the help of IOT you can turn on AC and also turn off the AC that was left on. is.

Anyone can connect their home devices together with the help of Internet with the help of IoT, so that you can handle those devices from anywhere, you can take advantage of this technology only when the IP of your mobile and device These devices are connected with the address.

This is a platform that accurately detects which information is useful and which is not the Internet of Things we can use to find useful information such as - which showroom is the best in the area. Where customers stay for a long time, IOT sensor can be used to detect all this information.

Some Applications Of IOT:

1. The Smart Houses:
Smart home is a part of IOT. You must have heard about it. All the devices in the smart home are connected to the internet and which are handled by sensors. 
You can control if you have left the door of your house open and have a sensor installed on that door, then it will be closed automatically after a while and you will get information about it on your phone.

2. Technologies that we wear:
Wearable Technology has all the devices that we can wear such as Smart Watch, Smart Shoes, Smart Cloths etc. All these devices are under the Internet Of Things. You must have heard about Smart Watch.

Like - Watch of Apple Company, in which you can do many of your work, these watches have Sensor which you can connect to your mobile and can also send your email to anyone during the workout in the gym, so that you can get the mobile again and again. There is no need to lift and at the same time this watch also tells you about your health.

In the same way, some smart clothes also come which give you updates related to your health, like - if you are doing workouts in the gym, then they give you updates, how much weight you should lift, now you should rest etc.

Similarly, there are many tools related to smart kitchen, smart garden and health which are counted under Internet of Things, these devices work according to the situation.

3. Smart Cities of World:
Internet of Things can solve the problem of people's daily life, it can be easily dealt with the problem of Traffic, Crime and Population Cellular Communication will send some smart products like - Belly Trash to Alert to the municipalities.

Citizens can get free parking slots available in the city by installing Sensor and using web application, besides it can easily detect issues of tampering in the sensor meter.

Examples of IOT:
1. The Smart Thermostat
It is a Thermostat which is connected to the Internet. It Maintains the Temperature of your house Automatically Maintenance Thermostat makes the house Automatically cool and warm. If you live outside of the house, it will help you to change the temperature and problem in heating and cooling. It also allows you to get Alert when it happens.
2. Amazon Eco Smart Device

Amazon Eco Voice Assistant works through Alexa, in which user can communicate to get different tasks done, user can do various tasks like playing music by Alexa, giving weather information, finding game score and taxi book. Can.
3. Fit Bit Watches
This is a technology that gives you information about your health, such as how much you have gone, how many calories you have burned and how much sleep you have, it gives you information about all these things. Timely make and send in sync with your mobile or computer, so that you can easily know about your fitness progress.

4. Astrum Al-150 device

It is Bluetooth based Lock. This Lock supports Android and IOS devices, so that you can easily connect your home devices and lock these devices with the help of your mobile.

Important Characteristics of IOOT:

  • Intelligent:
IoT comes with a combination of Algorithm and Calculation, Hardware and Software that makes it smart. It enhances its capabilities in the environment which helps things to respond wisely to a particular situation and to perform a specific task. Supports them.

  • Connectivity Daily Life:
Connectivity brings the power of the Internet by bringing the things of Daily Life together. IoT enables networked access to things. Through this, smart things and applications are created by the Internet to create new opportunities in the market. In IoT you can make all your home Devices that you can connect to the Internet provide the ability to use them.

  • Sense of Every thing:
It will not be possible without IoT sensors, it will make available data to detect or measure any change in the environment which can report on their condition or interact with the environment.

The user gets the information through the sensor, the sensor is that which is installed in our home appliance and the user can control their devices with the same sensor.

Thanks To read my article if you have any question about the IOT devices and about their work or applications you can ask in comment section I will reply as soon as possible!

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