What is android? Types of Android. History of android. What is Android Root?

Nowadays the name of Android is heard everywhere. If in today's time you will ask anyone what mobile you have, then they will say that I have an Android phone. Now the question is also coming in your mind that after all this that what is Android which is so famous and which has revolutionized the mobile world. Android mobiles offer more and more features at a lower price and today it has reached every village and every street.

Those who use Android Mobile will also know about its operating system. But there are many people who have a mobile with Android Operating System but they do not know how many features are available in that what is meaning of  Android  and Android Operating System using which they can make their life more easy and fun. is. Today we will tell you all information of Android and what is  Android and it's meaning through this post, just stay connected with us till the end of this post.

What is Android?

Android is the name of an operating system of mobile . Many times you must have noticed that when you take a computer or laptop, the operating system named Windows comes in it, which we work on, similarly the operating system is also present in Android Mobile. The reason that Android is popular is that the Android Operating System is from the Google company. The first version of Android was launched by Google on 23 September 2008.

Who invent Android phone?

Now we have told you the above Android Meaning and information of  Android Mobile in brief. Now you might be thinking that who is the developer of  Android ? So the answer is that Android was first made up of four people, the people searching for Android are Andy Rubin, Rich Miner, Nick Sears, and Chris White.

History of Android:

History of Android  is also very deep and different, if we talk about the history of Android, the story of Android first started in 2003 as a company called Android Inc. We have told you the names of its founders above. Initially Android was developed for cameras, but its founders later came to understand that the camera market is very small,And after investing in it, the returns will not be as expected, so he turned his project towards making a great operating system for mobile devices.

In July 2005, Google bought Android and due to this the founders of this company also merged with Google. The deal between Google and Android was worth about $ 50 Million dollars. The team leader for this project at the time was Andy Rubin and in 2007 it was announced by Google that Google was developing Android OS (Operating System), and then in 2008 HTC first launched the first mobile phone based on Android operating system. did.

History of Android Versions:

The Android mobile that we know today was not so developed from the beginning. Over time, Android evolved and new features were added to it. In today's time, Android can do everything that a computer system does. As the Android OS developed, so did the different versions of each of its OSes.
The Android version is named Alphabetical (A To Z), and an interesting point in its name is that all Android versions have names associated with some food item. For your information, the types of Android or say Android Versions Name are shown below:

1. Android Alpha 1.0 (Unofficial)

Android 1.0 was the first commercial version of Android software, released on September 23, 2008. It was the first commercially available Android device named HTC Dream.

2. Android Beta 1.1 (Unofficial)

On February 9, 2009, Android 1.1 update Android 1.1 was released. Initially it was only for HTC Dream and the updated bugs in it changed the Android API and added a lot of features to it.

3. Android Cupcake 1.5

Android 1.5 was released on April 27, 2009, a version based on Linux kernel 2.6.27. This was the first Android release to officially use a code-name based on the name of the dessert item, a theme used for all releases up to Android Pie.

4. Android Donut 1.6

Android 1.6 - Dubbed Donut was released on 15 September 2009 based on Linux kernel 2.6.29. It included many new features such as the ability for developers to include their content in search results.

5. Android Eclair (2.0 - 2.1 )

On 26 October 2009, the Android 2.0 SDK was also released based on Linux kernel 2.6.29, along with Codenamed Eclair. Android 2.0.1 was released on December 3, 2009, with a few minor APIs, bug fixes, and frame-like behavior updates. Within this, Android 2.1 was launched once again on 12 January 2010 by making minor API and bug fixes changes.

6. Android Froyo (2.2 – 2.2.3)

On 20 May 2010, the SDK for Android 2.2 was released based on Linux kernel 2.6.32. After this, on January 18, 2011, Android 2.2.1 was released with changes like Security Update, Performance Improvement, and again some minor updates were launched on January 22, 2011 on Android 2.2.2. Android 2.2.3 was launched on November 21, 2011 with some new security updates in the same category.

7. Android Gingerbread (2.3 – 2.3.7)

On December 6, 2010, the Android 2.3 Gingerbread SDK was released based on Linux kernel 2.6.35, making changes to the user inter-face design and speed. In December 2010 itself, it upgraded to Android 2.3.1 by improving bugs and Nexus and also launched Android 2.3.2 in January 2011. Improving Android Gingerbread series itself 2.3.3 on 9 February 2011, 2.3.4 on 28 April 2011, 2.3.5 on 25 July, 2.3.6 on 2 September and Android 2.3.7 on 21 September 2011 in September itself Was launched. These frequent updates included many features such as the voice search bug and Google Wallet support.

8. Android Honeycomb (3.0 – 3.2.6)

The first tablet of Android 3.0 (Honeycomb) SDK was released on 22 February 2011 based on Linux kernel 2.6.36. The 1st device to the feature of this version, the Motorola Xoom-Tablet, was launched on 24 February 2011. After this Android 3.1 was launched on 10 May 2011 and 3.2 on 15 July 2011.

Further improving the quality of Android, there were many new updates in the 3.2 series including Google Book Update, WiFi Improvement, Hard-ware Support etc. Their date is as follows: 3.2.1 was launched on 20 September 2011, 3.2.2 on 30 August 2011 and also on 3.2.3 on 30 August 2011. Subsequently, 3.2.4 was launched in December 2011, 3.2.5 in January 2012 and 3.2.6 in February 2012.

9. Android Ice Cream Sandwich                                            (4.0 – 4.0.4)

The SDK for Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) is based on Linux kernel 3.0.1 which was released to the public on 18 October 2011. The Ice Cream Sandwich was the last version to officially support the Flash player provided by Adobe Systems. To further update this, 4.0.1 was launched on 21 October, 4.0.2 on 28 November and 4.0.3 on 16 December. Android 4.0.4 was launched on March 29, 2012 with stability and better camera performance.

10. Android Jelly Bean (4.1 – 4.3.1)

Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) was announced by Google on June 27, 2012 at the Google I / O conference. Based on Linux kernel 3.0.31, Jelly Bean was a very good update at the time with the purpose of improving the functionality and performance of the user interface. The first device to run Jelly Bean was the Nexus 7 Tablet. Subsequently, further improving the performance of 4.1, 4.1.1 was launched on 11 July 2012 and 4.1.2 on 9 October 2012.

Android 4.2 was announced by Google on 29 October 2012 in New York, revamping the Jelly Bean category, which was later launched on 13 November, and updated versions 4.2.1 and 4.2.2 on 27 November 2012 and Released on 11 February 2013. Seeing the growing popularity of Jelly Bean among the people, Google launched Jelly Bean 4.3 July 24, 2013 with the slogan "An even sweeter Jelly Bean" and improved it to 4.3.1 on 3 October 2013.

11. Android KitKat (4.4 – 4.4.4)

On October 31, 2013, Google launched Android 4.4 with a lot of new feature updates, with many updates to add new features like great application performance whose code name and date of release is as follows: 4.4.1 Launched on 19 June 2014 with new features like 5 December 2013, 4.4.2 on 9 December 2013, 4.4.3 on 2 June 2014 and 4.4.4 on CVE-2014-0224 fixed.

12. Android KitKat, With Wearable Extensions (4.4W – 4.4W.2)

On June 24, 2014, a new version of Android KitKat was released for wearable devices, also known as Android Wear. 4.4W was launched on 25 June 2014 for devices such as smartwatches and 4.4W.1 on 6 September 2014 for Google Map Navigation and Alarm with UI updates. The new updated version 4.4W.2 for GPS support and off-line music playback was also launched on October 21, 2014.

13. Android Lollipop (5.0 ,5.1)

The first version 5.0 of the Android Lollipop series was released on November 12, 2014. Some bug fixes and other minor changes in 5.0 itself were launched on 5.0.1 and 5.0.2 on 2 and 19 December 2014 respectively. Android 5.1 was launched on 9 March 2015 by Google with changes and improvements such as high definition call, 4G LTE and multiple SIM support, with updated version 5.1.1 launching on 21 April 2015 with new features like WiFi calling.
what is LTE:

14. Android Marshmallow (6.0, 6.0.1)

Android 6.0 Marshmallow was announced on May 28, 2015 at the I / O conference by Google with many great features like 4k display mode, USB-C support, fingerprint reader, automatic full data backup. Which was later publicly released on 5 October 2015. Its updated version 6.0.1 was released on 7 December 2015, with the camera opening feature double-pressing the power button twice.

15. Android Nougat (7.0 – 7.1.2)

Android 7.0 was launched by Google on August 22, 2016, with many revolutionary changes such as the ability to zoom the screen, multiple device local and fast-paced features. 7.1 was launched on 4 October 2016 for Android by updating to 7.0 and new updates were also released on 7.1.1 and 7.1.2 on 5 December 2016 and 4 April 2017 respectively. Android 7.1.2 Nougat periodically alerts about battery usage.

16. Android Oreo (8.0, 8.1.0)

On August 21, 2017, Android 8.0 Oreo has been released which includes many new features like WiFi Assistant, Sony LDAC Codec Support, Integrated Printing Support, Color Management. To make this even better, the change in Oreo series was released on 5 December 2017 at 8.1.0 which includes a lot of great features like Automatic Light and DarkTheme, Wallpaper Colors API, Natural Network API, Shared Memory API.

17. Android 9 – Pie

The Android-Pie is the ninth significant adaptation of the Android working framework. It was first reported by Google on 7 March 2018, and its first designer review was additionally discharged that day, which is likewise viewed as beta quality. The last beta of Android Pie was discharged on July 25, 2018. The primary authority dispatch of Android 9 Pie was done on 6 August 2018. Numerous new extraordinary highlights like DNS Over TLS have been added to it.

18. Android 10

Android 10 was first announced by Google on 13 March 2019, and its first beta was also released on the same day. The fourth beta with API and SDK was finally released by Google on 5 June and is officially launched on 3 September 2019. Android 10 includes a lot of new features like AV1 Video Codec, HDR10 + Video Format and Opus Audio Codec support, which is a new discovery in the field of technology.

What is  Android Root:
Android mobile has become an important part of our life, in today's time, many people also run their business through Android. Many YouTubers are making money by playing YouTube videos on Android. With the help of Android, we can do everything from shopping of goods to transferring money to the bank from anywhere.In this world who likes today's technology, children also like to study online, in which Android helps them. There are many examples that have made our lifestyle very easy. If you liked information about Android  then do not forget to share it, thanks!

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